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Cats and Dogs There are cat people and there are dog people and there are cat and dog people. What do we need to know about cats and dogs together in our families?.
How to manage successful cat and dog integrations: Step by step methods and strategies on accomplishing a unified social unit the low stress way (more).
Blended families, the cats and dogs we live with and understanding when the research makes sense and when it doesn't : A look at the research - when we ask the right questions and do accurate comparisons between cats and dogs we get the best answers (more).
New babies and pets, making it work: A new baby can mean no more pets. What we know and how to help keep everyone at home, happy and safe (more).
When pet adoptions don't work: What happens when that "forever" home is not forever? When our expectations don't match with the pets we brought into our homes, how easy is it to say so? And what happens when we can't? (more).
Moving with your pet: Moving is highly stressful for people and for pets. Taking the time to plan for the occasion can lessen the impact. What to know and think about ahead of time (more).
What you need to know about timing and training: You hear over and over that timing is the most important part of training -why it's so important (more).
How to use time-outs: Very, very sparingly, if at all -because you can never ask "do you know why I put you in time-out?" (more).
The not so secret lives of our pets: What they do when we're not around is all about whether or not we are doing the right things for them when we are around (more).
Making daylight savings time less stressful for pets by adjusting feeding times. Your pet knows what time to expect meals, changes to routine schedule can be adjusted (more).
Choosing the right vet for you and your pet: How do you decide on a professional and a practice that you can feel good about working with? What questions should you be asking? What are the key things to think about and look for? How to make sure the vet you select is the right one for you and your pet (more).
What you need to know about pet sitting and dog walking: know how to find the right pet sitter and how introduce your pet so the relationship is a positive one (more).
Choosing your child's first pet: What to know and how to make the best choice for your new pet and your family (coming soon).
Using the right tests to measure attachment for cats and dogs: studies that compare cats and dogs without taking into account how different these species are can only fall short on results (more).
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