Hover your cursor to complete the information requested. Let us know:

- More than one pet? Who came home first, how are
they together, with people they know, and people they don't?

- How can we help? Tell us what is going with the
behaviors of concern. What do you do when it happens?
How does that work? .

Make sure to say what happens or happened beforehand.

- What is a typical day like for your pet?

- What sort of training methods have you used with your
pets? What has been the most useful? The least?

- What is your pet's most favorite thing to do? Least favorite?

- What changes (small or big) have there been lately
that might affect your pet?

- What are the top things you would like to work on now?

Behavior Matters for Cats and Dogs
Shelley-Grielen, Frania