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Strategies for successful new cat integration
By Frania Shelley-Grielen. All rights reserved
What is the best way to introduce new cats? How to make sure new cats get along with each other? Integrating a new cat into your existing feline family is best done as a gradual process for your established resident cats and your newcomer. Home and territory are key elements for cat welfare. Know that in a natural environment cats typically socialize with family members or choose affiliates to socialize with. In our homes we do the picking and choosing and must allow for an appropriate introduction and integration process to enable successful new relationships.
For starters, set up a separate room for the new cat. One room is best to begin with as the cat needs to acclimate to this totally new environment of place with all the novel infrastructure and attendant sights, smells and sounds (including you). Limiting the new environment to one room will enable the cat to navigate this uncharted territory on a smaller, less stressful scale. Remember to offer a cat bed, perch, scratching pad or post, toys, food and litter box (keeping the litter box a good distance from the food and bed). Do not be alarmed if there is a lot of hiding initially, this is normal, the cat needs to get acquainted in this new place with the environment and to trust in its safety and this can only happen with the passage of time. (More on welcoming a new cat and the extra steps a feral or former feral may require.)
Resident cats may display little or no interest in a closed off room, unless of course, this is a room they have been using. If your original cat sleeps with you every night, installing the newcomer in your bedroom will be problematic for the resident cat, so please consider the best room for all concerned. To facilitate the adjustment process for each cat, resident or newcomer, keep in mind that cats are extremely sensitive and reactive to changes in environment. As we are a part of their environment we can be instrumental in familiarizing them to both new situations and individuals. Follow these guidelines for success:
Start by being a calm and soothing presence. Your body language, eye contact and tone of voice will set the tone for each and every encounter. Remember to always announce your presence and acknowledge the cat with a greeting coupled with the use of their name. Begin with first acknowledging your resident cat when you enter your home and/or a room they are in. Keeping the cat who came first also first in your interactions can help. Your affection, attention and engagement are just as much of a resource as raised resting places, litterboxes, etc., to appropriately distribute.
Along with a soft and gentle tone employ an approach from the side rather than facing directly in front of the cat, this is perceived as less threatening. Lower yourself to cat level and offer hands for petting from below where they can be seen by cat eyes. Avoid direct eye contact but do try a slow and steady blink which is an affiliative response in cats.
Avoid any punishment -no scolding, scat mats, spraying with water bottles or shaking noise-makers of any kind, Punishment is cruel, highly stressful, interferes with learning or creating positive associations. Always remember that cats do not respond well to correction or harsh treatment and tend to associate that event with the person and new cat instead.
More cats? More cat furniture throughout. Allocate resources generously and evenly. Litter boxes, water and feeding stations and cat furniture need to be easily accessible for each cat. Experts recommend, with good reason, at least one raised resting space and one floor space (igloo/box/bed) per cat. With cats being both prey and predator, retreat from danger is more than innate in their behavior. Cat trees and shelves placed properly, especially against walls, corners and mazing next to windows to allow cats to look outside, from a high vantage point and survey their interior and exterior world safely.
Adding more horizontal resting areas expands cat territory for that sometimes necessary hiding/alone time needed in a multi cat household while offering more cat friendly areas for cats to share or time share. That placement of a cat tree (or a cat shelf) next to a window or on a corner wall will enrich their world tremendously (more on making a cat friendly home). Don't forget to distribute this resource to every room and when thinking cat beds, favor their favorites - boxes that come in the mail and play tunnels that appeal to all ages. Create positive associations at every turn.
Add more scratching and foraging opportunities too. Sturdy cat scratchers, corrugated cardboard or sisal scratch pads with catnip/valerian root) rubbed in offer a soothing and stimulating experience especially beneficial around the presence of another cat. Offset some of the stress of changes by providing all of your cats' dry food in a puzzle feeder to offer engagement and allow for natural behaviors. Selecting a feeder that is both large enough and positioned so both cats can freely access it can also offer another opportunity for more positive associations around each other.
Begin interactive play time with all cats. Take two-four minutes each morning and in the evening and play with your cats using an interactive toy. Fishing wand toys where you can engage the cat by drawing a lure across or away from their line of vision are best. (The lures on these wands vary from feathers to objects to cardboard pieces you may need to try several to see what best attracts the attention of your cat.) Always start playing with your original cat first.
For the first week or so play with your newcomer in the room they are in without asking for any other interaction (unless actively solicited). Try to stage your play sessions with your original cat as close to the door of the newcomer’s room as possible. Should your resident cat seem more interested in the door than in playing try moving away from the door to get the attention back on play. You can work on moving forward later in the process. (This can also be done by two individuals playing at the same time with each cat.) Keep interactive play sessions as close to being on schedule as possible - cats benefit from the sense of control schedules provide but make sure they happen. Hide fishing wand toys when not in use.
Cats rely heavily on scent to process their environment. Scent exchange is a great way to introduce the residents to the newcomer and vice versa. Try using soft cat toys (and at least one catnip filled toy) and rub the toys behind the ears of the cat, along the muzzle, on flanks and base of tail. Exchange cat scented toys in each area. In addition to exchanging cat scents with the toys, add yours to the process: A small piece of clothing from the bottom of your hamper (you can skip rubbing this behind human ears since it is already scented) can be rubbed along cat areas noted above and one item left in each cat area. Scent exchange should begin right away
After the first week of the above progress to supervised interaction, play in eyesight of each other. Install removable baby gates in the door of the newcomer— one on top of the other. While the gates are in place practice this routine: (Continue reading below).
"Pay attention to the behavior of your cats. Know that if things are not proceeding in a positive direction going back to what was last working and starting from there is a good strategy."
- Use the interactive toy each cat prefers most and play several feet away from the opposing cat location.
- Offer high value treats to each cat in view of the other. Real turkey or chicken usually rocks. For this they can be with in two-three feet of each other which means that is where you should be standing. Toss treats behind or to the side of cats not in front of them to avoid pressure to advance.
- Feed dinner or breakfast in sight of each other, try this one last and place food bowls a good six feet away from the gates.
Ideally, you would do this every day but it may not be possible. Even if you miss a supervised interaction do make sure your interactive play session happens.
Exchange environments. You can do this anytime after the first week or so of interactive playing. (Interactive playing continues throughout this process and hopefully continues afterwards.) Allow the newcomer cat to explore the rest of the house or apartment and the resident cat to hang out in the newcomer’s room. Stay with the original cat during the first week or two of this process and advance to allowing cats in exchanged environments when you are not there. Do this when you are most comfortable to be out of the room eating dinner, watching a movie etc. Progress on both phases (being with the cats and without) gradually from an hour, to a few, to a day to overnight.
"Read" where things are before progressing further with your integration. Pay attention to the behavior of your cats. Know that if things are not proceeding in a positive direction going back to what was last working and starting from there is a good strategy. Should you have more than one original resident cat use the most resistant cat as your touchstone here for timing since she is the one to win over in accepting the newcomer cat as belonging to "her" apartment. To that end, paying tons of attention to her by the door, treats leading up to the bowl, playing next to the door, any and all good associations you can create for her will work. Again, with cats go slow to go fast -so taking more time with any of these steps is a good thing not a bad one, especially if you see that a step may be premature according to the behaviors you are seeing in response.
Maintain exits and escape routes. Once cats are in the same room there is both the opportunity for friendly contact or consternation. Make sure your cats have clear paths to exit an encounter. Clear escape routes are key in avoiding actual conflict. Can cats get on to raised resting spaces, around furniture and each other without being backed into a corner?
Always closely monitor these exercises and use your judgment. You are working toward allowing these cats to be in the same room together, with you in it to supervise. Do not push for more than 10-15 minutes initially, while this may seem like a lot of work remember –go slow to go fast with cats. The thing to know is that you want to end each exercise or encounter on a good note in order for it to be both a pleasant experience and positive association in relationship building. Should you start to see signs of stress in any cat that are not replaced by calm signals, you want to end the session as quickly as possible while remaining calm (and if you can toss a treat or two that is accepted at the end, even better). For example, a swishing tale in a cat is usually a sign of stress, if the tail stops swishing and the cat appears calmed, good. Hissing is a warning signal (and a distance increasing behavior) and as long as it is fleeting - "heard" by the other cat should be allowed. More serious signs of stress include spitting, growls, yeowls, flattened ears, whiskers back, tensed body posture and rippling muscles along the back. Can you redirect tension with a toy or treat when you see it? More on cat aggression and what to do here.
Remember the 3 P's: No Punishment, Interactive Play, and Priority of Original Cat. Taking the time to do a feline friendly integration can make all the difference.
Watch for paws under the door or supreme indifference. Your new cat combination may be interested in interacting with each other or not. Allow for this and do not force a fast friendship if that is not what is being presented. Juvenile cats or opposite genders may bond more readily or they may not. Cat timing is vastly different than human timing and relationships may take weeks or months to develop. Let it.
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