Winter and
the city dog
Winter safeguards for city dogs copyright (c) 2021 Frania Shelley-Grielen.
All rights reserved.

New York City winters can be serious;  all that ice, snow and blustery weather,
keeping streets and sidewalks clear and safe to navigate takes some heavy duty
doing. That means tons of salt, sand and chemical deicers which can harm and
irritate paw pads and can be dangerous if ingested. Keeping warm indoors means
dry heated air which can create dry skin in both human and canine. Here are some
tips to help you and your dog make it through to spring:

  • Chemical deicers are mostly chloride salts which may contain magnesium,
    potassium, calcium or sodium. These salts are engineered to melt ice and
    snow as quickly as possible and are frequently heavily applied to city
    sidewalks. Contact with these caustic chemicals may be a source of great
    discomfort for most dogs and can make winter walks truly uncomfortable for
    both you and your dog. (The uses of these chemicals are also problematic for
    urban birds, squirrels, feral cats, groundwater and storm runoff.)

    Your dog may express overt discomfort on contact with salt and deicers.
    For example, my dog, Daisy, will stop, whimper, hold up an affected paw
    and then proceed to attempt to lick off the offending material. Or your dog
    may appear more reluctant to take walks and more eager to return. If at all
    possible, chemical deicers should be avoided. (Bathing your dog’s feet in a
    bowl of warm water on return home is always a good idea, no matter what
    the weather.)

  • Booties are one way to protect the feet of your dog. When shopping for booties
    make sure to purchase a set which have actually been designed to fit dog paws
    appropriately.  If your dog refuses to wear them or balks at the sight, think
    either novelty or fit. And while you can get your dog used to the idea of
    wearing booties (offer treats before, during and after trying on and wearing),
    you surely do not want to get your dog to accept wearing shoes that hurt. A
    popular brand of doggie galoshes are rubber booties that resemble balloons.
    Disposable, reusable and affordable, these paw coverings do work but must be
    put on carefully to avoid catching a dog’s sensitive dewclaw. Again, practice
    beforehand with feeding treats at the same time to create positive associations
    with winter footwear.  Removing them without the elastic snapping your dog’s
    paw in the process also takes some focus. If you do use booties for your pet,
    remember to rinse them off after use.

  • Caught in the latest snow storm without paw protectors? Carry one moist
    washcloth in a plastic bag and another dry one in a separate bag. If your dog
    reacts to deicers you can remove them on the spot. Make sure to wipe and dry
    as thoroughly as possible.

  • An emollient protectant that is applied directly to your dog’s paw pads is
    another product that promises to protect from winter sidewalks as well as hot
    asphalt in the summer. While this may be effective against the driven snow,
    chemical deicers seem to penetrate despite the product’s claims. Advantages
    to using this type of product are in the ease of use and the added benefit of
    conditioning paw pads along with protecting them.

  • Leaving your dog tied outside while you run an errand inside is never a good
    idea in any kind of weather, and now it can be illegal. The City Council passed
    a law several years ago banning owners from tethering dogs wearing choke or
    pinch collars. The law also prohibits leaving a dog without food, water or
    shelter for more than 15 minutes while tied up.

  • When it comes to coats, it comes down to what your dog is already wearing
    and what type of breed you have. When purchasing a dog coat look for
    something that will also protect your dog’s underside, the part most
    exposed to the sidewalk. Also, try and get something fitted for a dog and
    not a human; better dog coats are modeled more along the lines of a horse
    blanket and not a parka.

    Puppies typically have less body fat than adults so they would most always
    benefit from a coat. Huskies, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mountain Dogs, etc., are
    probably not going to appreciate any extra clothing in this weather, but most
    other breeds might. Also, if your dog sports a show cut such as a cocker
    spaniel’s where most of the dog’s upper coat has been shaved off, you definitely
    want to go for the dog coat.

  • Indoors, the dry heated air found in most NYC apartments affects both you
    and your pet. Try and pay extra attention to grooming your dog in the winter
    season. Brushing your dog can distribute oils throughout the coat and benefit
    the skin by stimulating blood flow. Brushing also controls matting, which can
    be a source of harmful bacteria. Remember, your dog only needs to be bathed
    once a month. And you can use conditioner after you shampoo your dog (and
    which reduces  static electricity) as long as you rinse extra thoroughly.

This article is an original work and is subject to copyright. You may create a link to
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copy this article in whole or in part onto another web page or document without
permission of the author. Email inquiries to
Copyright Frania Shelley-Grielen
"Booties are one way to protect
the feet of your dog. When shop-
ping for booties make sure to
purchase a set which have
actually been designed to fit dog
paws appropriately. If your dog
refuses  to wear them or balks
at the sight, think either novelty
or fit. And while you can get
our dog used  to the idea of  
wearing booties (offer treats
before, during and after trying
on and wearing), you surely do
not want to get your dog to
accept wearing shoes that hurt."
Cold enough for a coat for you?  Your dog probably needs one too
Schedule an individual consultation
copyright Frania Shelley-Grielen
212-722-2509 / 646-228-7813

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